Monday, January 26, 2009

Imbolc beckons...

Bride is said to tend the triple fires of smithcraft (physical fire), healing (the fire of life within), and poetry (the fire of the spirit). Daughter, honor these fires of yours! A fire must be tended!

The physical fire is tended by moving your body. Have you felt the surge of heat after you really move your body? Run, walk,swim, ride a bike. Use it, feel it, understand it. This fire can be honored by feeding your body wholesome foods- moderation for the rest.

The fire of life within is for you and for others- it offers love and healing. This fire is stronger than you imagine within you. Try- put forth this warmth to your family, to the random stranger who could use a smile. You might find that when you share this warmth, the fire is fed.

The fire of spirit is a fickle, needy fire. You must lovingly tend it, try to understand it, look deep into it's flames to find answers. Sing, play music, write, copy a poem into a journal or read it aloud- find yourself in the frost decorating a leaf. You must find a moment of quiet- you must move just a step beyond yourself and daily chores of your life. You can do it. The return of this flame is worth it- it will speak to you of eternity.


Anonymous said...

I've been having a hard time deciding what to focus on this year. There are no early signs of spring here yet. It's frigid and will be until April. I like the idea of focusing on fire. I could use some in every area of life right now. Thanks for another beautiful post!

D said...

You are very welcome! There are signs of spring here- and as an extra treat even sun!

By the way, I'm loving the decluttering tips on your blog!